
Welcome to the website of Department of Architectural Design in Széchenyi István University!

We are living in buildings and internal and external spaces created by buildings. Relating to the life quality it is determinant how these spaces are nice and well usable. Architects have active leading roles in creating, planning, building, transforming and operating these spaces, buildings.

Our department teaches theoretical and practical subjects about architectural design beginning from the first semester to the diploma project. Our lecturers are acknowledged leading architects of Győr and the region.

The atelier-like design education takes part within the frames of ideal conditions provided by the Architect Atelier. The individual or group work and participation in community life are provided by a student atelier and a modelling workshop.

In our education the preferential aspects are countryside architecture, ecological building, as well as bordering fields of architecture and arts. The Creative Weeks, the summer Creative Camps and students’ design competitions organized for the students also help in realizing the educational objectives.

English courses are given to the students arriving from abroad within the frames of the Erasmus Programme.

Some of our important objectives are to maintain and develop our professional connections, to participate in home and international projects, to organize exhibitions and lectures, to be present in the cultural life of the town.

Czigány Tamás DLA

Tamás Czigány DLA
Assistant Professor and Head of Department

Épülettervezési Tanszék Eseménynaptára

Football Forum Hungary 2024 2024. április 22. 00:00 - 2024. április 24. 23:00
Nordic walking 2024. április 22. 08:00 - 09:00
Nordic walking 2024. április 29. 08:00 - 09:00
Nordic walking 2024. május 6. 08:00 - 09:00

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